Frequently Asked Questions

At Electrolysis by Michele, we understand that your journey towards permanent hair removal is a personal and important one. That's why we offer free consultation calls to address any questions or concerns you may have. Our commitment to your comfort and confidence doesn't stop there. In case you're eager to explore the answers even before we chat, we've compiled a comprehensive FAQ page. It's designed to provide you with the most common questions we encounter, helping you make informed decisions about your hair removal journey. Whether we discuss it on our call or you delve into our FAQ, our goal is to make your experience with us as smooth as your soon-to-be hair-free skin.

1. What is electrolysis, and how does it work?

Electrolysis is a safe and proven method for permanent hair removal. It works by inserting a tiny probe into the hair follicle, delivering a small electrical current that destroys the follicle's ability to produce hair. This process ensures that the hair will not grow back, providing a permanent solution to unwanted hair.

2. Is electrolysis suitable for all hair and skin types?

Electrolysis is effective for all hair colors and some skin types. It is a versatile solution for anyone looking to remove unwanted hair permanently. During our phone consultation, we can learn more about your hair and skin type to determine the best path for you.

3. How many sessions will I need for permanent hair removal?

The number of sessions required varies from person to person and depends on the area being treated. Typically, a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart is needed to achieve permanent results. During your initial consultation, we will assess your needs and provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

4. Is electrolysis painful?

Discomfort during electrolysis is generally minimal. Most clients describe it as a mild stinging or warming sensation. Our goal is to ensure your comfort throughout the process, and we can discuss options to minimize any sensation you may feel.

5. What areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis?

Electrolysis can effectively treat hair on virtually any part of the body, including the face, eyebrows, legs, bikini area, underarms, and more. No area is too big or too small for permanent hair removal.

6. How long does each electrolysis session typically last?

The duration of an electrolysis session varies depending on the size of the area being treated. Sessions can range from 15 minutes for small areas to an hour or more for larger ones. During your initial consultation, we will provide you with an estimate of session length based on your specific needs.

7. What should I expect during an electrolysis session?

During an electrolysis session, a fine probe is inserted into the hair follicles. You may feel a mild sensation as the hair follicles are treated. Our experienced technician, Michele, will ensure you are comfortable and informed throughout the process.

8. What is the recovery time after an electrolysis session?

There is typically no downtime after an electrolysis session. You may experience mild redness or slight swelling in the treated area, which usually subsides within a few hours. You can resume your regular activities immediately after the session.

9. What type of equipment does Electrolysis by Michele use for electrolysis?

We use state-of-the-art electrolysis machines and sterile, disposable probes to ensure your safety and comfort during each session. Our equipment is designed to provide the most effective and precise treatment available.

10. Is electrolysis a safe procedure?

Yes, electrolysis performed by Michele is a safe and FDA-approved method for permanent hair removal. Michele is a licensed and experienced practitioner who follows strict hygiene and safety protocols.

11. How much does electrolysis cost at Electrolysis by Michele?

The cost of electrolysis is based on the length of the appointment time. Please view our Services page to see those price.

12. Can electrolysis treat ingrown hairs and pseudofolliculitis?

Yes, electrolysis is effective in treating ingrown hairs and pseudofolliculitis (razor bumps). It provides a long-term solution for these common skin concerns.

13. What should I do to prepare for an electrolysis session?

We recommend arriving with clean skin free of lotions or makeup in the treatment area. Michele will provide you with specific pre-session instructions during your consultation.

14. How can I schedule an appointment with Electrolysis by Michele?

To schedule an appointment with Michele, please call her at 315-723-5567. If Michele doesn’t answer when you call, please leave her a message and she will return your call as soon as possible.